Saturday 9 November 2013

~ N.O.V.E.L ~

 Assalamualaikum readers.. HYE wassup2.. hye pretty!! hye handsome!! hye ayah! hye mak!! hye romeo!! hye juliet!! hye cute!! hye bambam !! hye chubby!! hye prince !! hye princess!! hye buwsyuk!! hye masham !! hye you !! hye smile !! hye tears !! hey  people !! hye world!! 
have a good day yarh!! =)
ngee dah hye2 kat sume2 dah..over pulaksss.. 

ouhh so bored n bored is so (oh my english!!!) gggrrrr... APTB (ape pon ta boleh!)..aiyaaaa.. ape mau buad ini hari yerr.. tengah kemas-kemas buku-buku terjumpa pulak novel-novels kesayangan saya ini.. hurmm patot lahh dah kering idea sangat sebab tak membaca buku-buku C.H.E.N.T.A nih kott..hihuhihu.. dah lame tak feeling2 nih.. ape yang fun bila uols  bace novel , uols kene letakkan diri uols sebagai watak utama dalam novel toh and thenn put someone you lovee jugee dalam cerita  tersebut, so bila baca novel uols boleh lah perasaan sorang2 dn tersengih-sengih mcm kerang busuk !.. hehehehe... to know me you must be be me, you must have have me , you must LOVE me.. okay?? 
'hmmmm macam sikit jerr..mcam tak cukopp jerr..hmmmmm

kebayakkan yang suka baca novel nih adalah terdiri daripada kaum hawa yang cantek! comey! cute! bambam! ngeee termasokk saya lah .. susah nk jumpa kaum adam yang baca novel cintan cintun nih haa.. kalo ade pon hmmm satu dalam beribu lettew.. Tak salah baca novel nih senarnye tapi yang menjadi salah kalo uols asyik hadap novel nih 24 jam walhal uols tahu uols ade keje yang perlu di siapkan !! so bile uols free, uols boleh lah luangkan masa for read ur feveret matter how good or bad you think life is wake up each day and be thankful for life. someone somewhere else fightingto survive.. huisshh emotional pulakk!!

ouhh feveret novels uols.. sangat-sangat best baca novel nih.. ouhh feeling so good !!.. cheer you up when you're down..Comforts you when you're sad. Fight for you when you're hurt. ouhh as long as you're the same person i fell for , my feeling won't ever change .kikiki..annoying betol lah kau izzah.. feeling sorang2...ttskkk....malumalumalu .  arghh as a woman or female or girl or whatever i get jelous , i get worried , i get curious, That's becOz i care ..okay!.. hehehe.. The best feeling in the world is , when you look at that special person and they are already smiling at you..fiwiittt.. winwinkwink.. Dear crush , plizz fall in love with me becOz you have a cutes smile and i loike!!..hiphip..aiyaaaa..
 GILER KAU !! novel yang saya suka.. mula-mula begadoh and then fall in love.. muehehehe..
"menjadi cinta PERTAMA kepada mu adalah suatu yang HEBAT , tetapi menjadi cinta yang TERAKHIR bagi mu adalah jauh lebih SEMPURNA"......

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